Underground Lake

by admin

Margaret River region also has many caves, so I decided to visit Lake Cave.

This is a wet cave, which means it has water flowing through it, as opposed to the dry cave I had visited on Kangaroo Island. I was interested to experience the difference.

There is a lot of steps leading down to the cave…

Lake Cave lies at the bottom of a deep sink hole, at around 62 metres down. The only way in is to walk and there are 350 steps leading down to the cave itself. Of course, at the end of your visit, you have to walk back up all these steps to the surface – no lifts here!

At 200 feet down, the view from the cave entrance looking back up to the trees above is spectacular

The cave is about 1 million years old and it has been formed by an extremely slow flowing river, which forms a lake in the cave – hence the name.

Apparently it takes some years for the water to makes its way through the cave and there is also water dripping from the roof. This forms beautiful stalactite and stalagmite formations and pretty but delicate ‘straws’. You often get splashed on as you go through the cave.

The still water of the lake ensures beautiful reflections as they light the cave formations to highlight their staggering beauty.

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