I’m Still Here!

by admin

My wonderful travels have been rather curtailed of late by this vile pandemic, which can turn the best laid travel plans on their head at a moments notice. But rest assured, I am still here, skulking in Batchelor, where I have almost taken up residential status.

Well, while it is rather difficult travelling, especially across state boarders, I decided to stay here in Batchelor, as it is at least a pleasant place to be. In fact, I have been here so long, both my camper and car appear on the latest Google Maps of Batchelor!

I have just survived my second Wet season (not too difficult really), which I have to say, was much more impressive than the previous one. Now we are back into the Dry, so the chances of rain are now likely nonexistent until probably November.

Some Photos From the Wet:

Wet season clouds ominously over Batchelor, signaling another downpour…
But my little wallaby neighbour is more interested in the nice green grass.
You definitely know the Wet is here when you hear the distinctive call of the Eastern Koel. Loud and persistent, these cuckoos arrive in northern Australia from PNG and Indonesia, spending the Wet with us.

And while Batchelor is a great place to hunker down out of the way, I haven’t really had much reason to take many photos recently. But I do have a few, highlighting aspects of the last Wet season, which are always good to share.

The sun setting over the bushland close to where I am camped. This is essentially my view, if I look in this direction at sunset.
Look out! It is okay, although this sky looks apocalyptic, an approaching storm catches the light of the sun setting behind me…
Turning the stormclouds an ominous, but very spectacular, glowing red/orange! The effect lasted only a few fleeting seconds, as the encroaching cloud quickly covered the suns rays, and the amazing colour display was over.

I also managed to get some photos of the recent total eclipse of the moon, as viewed from the park here.

Getting there… The shadow of the Earth nearly covers the moon…
Pretty much full eclipse, now… the moon is left glowing a strange but beautiful orangey-red. Spooky!

Then, the other night, we had someone light a fire out the back of the park. It didn’t burn particularly close to us, but close enough to be a cause for concern for a little while. I could still see flames leaping and hear the harsh crackling noise that alerted me that something was up, in the first place.

The fire burning some distance away, but still audible…

The most unsettling thing is that this fire turned out to be ‘deliberately lit’. In other words, arson! Which is worrying, as there is a load of dry grass out there…

The glow of the flames continued on into the night.

So, I guess life on the road will be rather different now. I will definitely stay here for the Dry – why would I want to head off to somewhere cold, after all? But after that? Well, I just don’t know at the moment, but that is quite fine, too.

Another neighbour, a bower bird, looking very much like his dinosaur ancestors…


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