Back to the Coast

by admin

After baking in the hot weather, I was really eager to get back to the coast and hopefully cool down a bit.

I headed down to the south west corner of WA which is most famous for its tall timbers, as well as its wine. I headed straight to the beach, as after weeks in the heat and the dust of the outback, I felt an overpowering need to paddle in the ocean!

To get to the coast in this part of the world means you have to drive through the Margaret River region.  Everywhere you look, there seems to be vines growing on every available hill and dale.

I did a very quick top up of supplies in Margaret River town itself and left quickly as it is very touristy. You know, lots of ‘boutique’ shops that sell heaps of overpriced things that no one actually needs.

But it does have a Woollies and a BWS, so what more do I need?

Next stop was Leeuwin National Park, on the west coast and named after the Dutch ship that visited here in 1622. The shore is washed by the Indian Ocean and the inland is home to lots of really big trees.

Prevelly Beach is known for its famous surf ‘break’, which apparently challenges any who attempt it. The waves certainly looked impressive to me but I was happy to stay on the shore here!

Just in case you were thinking of going for a swim, the local authorities would like you to reconsider…

The karri forests of southwest WA are amazing to behold. These tall trees are an impressive sight, very straight growing and with smooth pale grey bark. The grey bark is shed, revealing a beautiful underlying tan or orange bark that glows on a sunny day, making these trees look very smart.

Of course, this area was once the timber capital of Australia, with forests logged to supply hardwood timber for construction. It seems most of the forests around here are regrowth from around the 1920’s to the 1940’s. They estimate that karri probably live for 400 years and although most are around 60 metres high, apparently they can grow to 90 metres.

Usually I enjoy a chance to encounter wildlife on my travels, but I must say, not all encounters are entirely welcome.

Taking my chair out of the camper and opening it up at a campsite I discovered this unwanted intruder had taken up residence – not for long though!

But not all the red critters here are nasty and little Scarlet Robins make these forests their home.

These little birds are totally unafraid and seem to enjoy showing off.

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