A Most Unwelcome Visitor

by admin

So, what do I do when I look up and see a snake? Usually, I am pretty interested, and the first thing I think of is getting a photo. But there are times when my interest is overpowered, like this morning when I looked up and saw that a freaking snake was INSIDE the camper, with me!!!

I had to use my phone to photograph the snake, it was too close to my camera for me to want to risk reaching for the Nikon – at this stage, the snake was still classified as “unknown”

Now, I am all for wildlife, I enjoy watching and appreciating and photographing it – as long as it is OUTSIDE in the real world. However, if you are wildlife and you come inside my camper, then I am very sorry, but you are NOT welcome!!!

Especially if you are a snake…

Checking out my DVDs, to see if there is anything worth watching…

So, the first thought is the shock, the realisation that there is a snake inside, in very close proximity to yourself – not a nice feeling. The second is the “What the freaking hell are you???” moment, as you try to identify the snake, hoping that it is not something really, really, really nasty…

Fortunately, I was pretty sure this was actually a tree snake (which is much, much better than identifying it as a brown snake, especially as it is inside your camper!!!) but my main concern was that it would wriggle itself into a corner where it was hard to reach for extraction.

And I did not want to have to go to bed knowing there was a snake on the loose in the camper with me – ARGH!, horrible thought!!!

Fortunately I had someone around who proved to be a handy snake charmer, so the snake ended up safely back in the bush, which is a more natural habitat for it than my camper.

But, I do think I will be sleeping with the lights on and one eye open a while…

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